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How to truly calculate a spherical voronoi diagram using sf?

I want to make a world map with a voronoi tessellation using the spherical nature of the world (not a projection of it), similar to this using D3.js, but with R.

As I understand ("Goodbye flat Earth, welcome S2 spherical geometry") the sf package is now fully based on the s2 package and should perform as I needed. But I don't think that I am getting the results as expected. A reproducible example:


# just to be sure

# download map 
world_map <- rnaturalearth::ne_countries(
                scale = 'small', 
                type = 'map_units',
                returnclass = 'sf')

# addresses that you want to find lat long and to become centroids of the voronoi tessellation 
addresses <- tribble(
"Juneau, Alaska" ,
"Saint Petersburg, Russia" ,
"Melbourne, Australia" 

# retrive lat long using tidygeocoder
points <- addresses %>% 
          tidygeocoder::geocode(addr, method = 'osm')

# Transform lat long in a single geometry point and join with sf-base of the world
points <- points %>% 
          dplyr::rowwise() %>% 
          dplyr::mutate(point = list(sf::st_point(c(long, lat)))) %>% 
          sf::st_as_sf() %>% 

# voronoi tessellation
voronoi <- sf::st_voronoi(sf::st_union( points ) ) %>% 
     sf::st_as_sf() %>% 

# plot
ggplot2::ggplot() +
    geom_sf(data = world_map,
            mapping = aes(geometry = geometry), 
            fill = "gray95") +
    geom_sf(data = points,
            mapping = aes(geometry = point),
            colour = "red") +
    geom_sf(data = voronoi,
            mapping = aes(geometry = x),
            colour = "red",
            alpha = 0.5)  

enter image description here

The whole Antarctica should be closer to Melbourne than to the other two points. What am I missing here? How to calculate a voronoi on a sphere using sf?


  • Here's a method that builds on Stéphane Laurent's approach, but outputs sf objects.

    Let us obtain an sf object of all the world capitals:

    #> Linking to GEOS 3.9.3, GDAL 3.5.2, PROJ 8.2.1; sf_use_s2() is TRUE
    capitals <-,
      subset(maps::world.cities, capital == 1, select = c("long", "lat")) |>
      as.matrix() |>
      asplit(1) |>
      lapply(st_point) |>
      lapply(st_sfc) |>
      lapply(st_sf, crs = 'WGS84')) |>
      `st_geometry<-`('geometry') |>
      cbind(city = subset(maps::world.cities, capital == 1, select = c("name")))
    #> Simple feature collection with 230 features and 1 field
    #> Geometry type: POINT
    #> Dimension:     XY
    #> Bounding box:  xmin: -176.13 ymin: -51.7 xmax: 179.2 ymax: 78.21
    #> Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
    #> First 10 features:
    #>           name               geometry
    #> 1       'Amman    POINT (35.93 31.95)
    #> 2    Abu Dhabi    POINT (54.37 24.48)
    #> 3        Abuja      POINT (7.17 9.18)
    #> 4        Accra      POINT (-0.2 5.56)
    #> 5    Adamstown  POINT (-130.1 -25.05)
    #> 6  Addis Abeba     POINT (38.74 9.03)
    #> 7        Agana   POINT (144.75 13.47)
    #> 8      Algiers     POINT (3.04 36.77)
    #> 9        Alofi POINT (-169.92 -19.05)
    #> 10   Amsterdam     POINT (4.89 52.37)

    And our world map:

    world_map <- rnaturalearth::ne_countries(
      scale = 'small', 
      type = 'map_units',
      returnclass = 'sf')

    Now we use Stéphane Laurent's approach to tesselate the sphere, but then reverse the projection back into spherical co-ordinates. This allows translation back to sf, though we have to be careful to split any objects that "wrap around" the 180/-180 longitude line:

    voronoi <- capitals %>%
      st_coordinates() %>%
      `*`(pi/180) %>%
      cbind(1) %>%
      pracma::sph2cart() %>%
      sphereTessellation::VoronoiOnSphere() %>%
      lapply(\(x) rbind(t(x$cell), t(x$cell)[1,])) %>%
      lapply(\(x) {
        n <- nrow(x) - 1
        lapply(seq(n), function(i) {
          a <- approx(x[i + 0:1, 1], x[i + 0:1, 2], n = 1000)
          b <- approx(x[i + 0:1, 1], x[i + 0:1, 3], n = 1000)
          d <- cbind(a$x, a$y, b$y) |> pracma::cart2sph() 
          d <- d[,1:2] * 180/pi
          if(max(abs(diff(d[,1]))) > 180) {
            s <- which.max(abs(diff(d[,1])))
            d <- list(d[1:s, ], d[(s+1):nrow(d),])
          d })}) |>
      lapply(\(x) {
        st_geometrycollection(lapply(x, \(y) {
        if(class(y)[1] == "list") {
          } else {
          }}))}) %>%
      lapply(st_sfc) %>%
      lapply(st_sf, crs = 'WGS84') %>%
      {, .)} %>%

    Now we have our Voronoi grid as an sf object, so we can plot it using ggplot:

    ggplot() +
      geom_sf(data = world_map, fill = "cornsilk", color = NA) +
      geom_sf(data = voronoi, color = "gray40") +
      geom_sf(data = capitals, color = "black", size = 0.2) + 
      coord_sf(crs = "ESRI:53011") +
      theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "lightblue"))

    enter image description here


    Although the above solution works for drawing tesselations over the whole globe, if we want to get polygons of land areas only, we can do it as follows:

    First, we make a union of all land masses from our world map

    wm <- st_make_valid(world_map) |> st_union()

    Now we get the co-ordinates of the vertices of our Voronoi tiles:

    pieces <- capitals %>%
      st_coordinates() %>%
      `*`(pi/180) %>%
      cbind(1) %>%
      pracma::sph2cart() %>%
      sphereTessellation::VoronoiOnSphere() %>%
      lapply(\(x) rbind(t(x$cell), t(x$cell)[1,])) %>%
      lapply(pracma::cart2sph) %>%
      lapply(\(x) x[,1:2] * 180/pi)

    Now we need to find tiles that span the -180 / 180 line:

    complete <- pieces %>% sapply(\(x) abs(diff(c(min(x[,1]), max(x[,1])))) < 180)

    We now split these and turn them into multipolygons, finding their intersection with the world map:

    orphans <- pieces[!complete] %>%
      lapply(\(x) {x[,1] + 180 -> x[,1]; x}) %>%
      lapply(\(x) st_polygon(list(x)) |> st_sfc(crs = "WGS84")) %>%
      lapply(\(x) {
        west <- st_intersection(x, matrix(c(-180, -0.001, -0.001, -180, -180, 
                                     -89, -89, 89, 89, -89), ncol = 2) |>
                                    list() |> st_polygon() |> st_sfc(crs = "WGS84"))
        east <- st_intersection(x, matrix(c(0, 180, 180, 0, 0, 
                                            -89, -89, 89, 89, -89), ncol = 2) |>
                                  list() |> st_polygon() |> st_sfc(crs = "WGS84"))
        west <- st_coordinates(west)[,1:2]
        east <- st_coordinates(east)[,1:2]
        west[,1] <- west[,1] + 180
        east[,1] <- east[,1] - 180
        w <- st_polygon(list(west)) |> st_sfc(crs = "WGS84") |> st_intersection(wm)
        e <- st_polygon(list(east)) |> st_sfc(crs = "WGS84") |> st_intersection(wm)
        st_combine(st_union(e, w))
      }) %>%
      lapply(st_sf) %>%
      lapply(\(x) { if(nrow(x) > 0) { st_segmentize(x, 100000) } else {
        st_point(matrix(c(0, 0), ncol = 2)) |> 
          st_sfc(crs = "WGS84") |> st_sf()
      }) %>% 
      lapply(\(x) `st_geometry<-`(x, 'geometry')) %>%
      {, .)} %>%
      cbind(city = capitals$name[!complete])

    We can do intersections for the non-wraparound tiles like this:

    non_orphans <- pieces %>%
      subset(complete) %>%
      lapply(list) %>%
      lapply(st_polygon) %>%
      lapply(st_sfc, crs = "WGS84") %>%
      lapply(st_intersection, y = wm) %>%
      lapply(st_sf) %>%
      lapply(\(x) { if(nrow(x) > 0) { st_segmentize(x, 100000) } else {
        st_point(matrix(c(0, 0), ncol = 2)) |> 
          st_sfc(crs = "WGS84") |> st_sf()
      }) %>%
      lapply(\(x) `st_geometry<-`(x, 'geometry')) %>%
      {, .)} %>%
      cbind(city = capitals$name[complete])

    Finally, we bind all these together into a single sf object:

    voronoi <- rbind(orphans, non_orphans)
    voronoi <- voronoi[!st_is_empty(voronoi),]
    voronoi <- voronoi[sapply(voronoi$geometry, \(x) class(x)[2] != "POINT"),]

    Now we're ready to plot. Let's define a palette function that gives results similar to your linked example:

    f <- colorRampPalette(c("#dae7b4", "#c5b597", "#f3dca8", "#b4b6e7", "#d6a3a4"))

    We'll also create a background "globe" and a smoothed grid to draw over our map, as in the example:

    grid <- lapply(seq(-170, 170, 10), \(x) rbind(c(x, -89), c(x, 0), c(x, 89))) |>
      lapply(st_linestring) |>
      lapply(\(x) st_sfc(x, crs = "WGS84")) |>
      lapply(\(x) st_segmentize(x, dfMaxLength = 100000)) |>
        lapply(seq(-80, 80, 10), \(x) rbind(c(-179, x), c(0, x), c(179, x))) |>
          lapply(st_linestring) |>
          lapply(\(x) st_sfc(x, crs = "WGS84"))
      ) |>
      lapply(st_sf) |>
      lapply(\(x) `st_geometry<-`(x, 'geometry')) %>%
      {, .)}
    globe <- st_polygon(list(cbind(c(-179, 179, 179, -179, -179), 
                                   c(-89, -89, 89, 89, -89)))) |> 
      st_sfc(crs = "WGS84") |> 

    The final result is a faithful sf version of the linked example:

    ggplot() +
      geom_sf(data = globe, fill = "#4682b4", color = "black") +
      geom_sf(data = voronoi, color = "black", aes(fill = city)) +
      geom_sf(data = capitals, color = "black", size = 1) + 
      geom_sf(data = grid, color = "black", linewidth = 0.2) +
      coord_sf(crs = "ESRI:53011") +
      scale_fill_manual(values = f(nrow(voronoi))) +
      theme(panel.background = element_blank(),
            legend.position = "none",
            panel.grid = element_blank())

    enter image description here

    Created on 2023-06-24 with reprex v2.0.2