Say I have some data that has multiple data points where some share a group identifier:
group <- rep(c(1:5), times=3)
cost <- rnorm(length(group), 100, 5)
current_score <- rnorm(length(group), 7, 2)
future_score <- current_score*runif(1)
dat <- data.frame(group, cost, current_score, future_score)
and a function that gives an overall weighted group score:
wt_score <- function(group, dat)
one_group_dat <- dat[dat$group == group, ]
wt_score <- sum(one_group_dat$cost * (one_group_dat$current_score - one_group_dat$future_score))/sum(one_group_dat$cost)
Is there a way to vectorize the above function so that I don't have to use a loop like below? The issue is that in practice, a function is applied to tens of thousands of groups and millions of data points, so the loop is very slow.
dat$wt_score <- 0
for(i in 1:nrow(dat))
dat$wt_score[i] <- wt_score(dat$group[i], dat)
You don't need to have a function:
library(dplyr) # dplyr_1.1.0
dat %>%
mutate(wt_score2 = sum(cost * (current_score - future_score))/sum(cost), .by = group)
# group cost current_score future_score wt_score wt_score2
# 1 1 110.95492 9.377867 0.05744175 7.745383 7.745383
# 2 2 103.20114 4.725669 0.02894589 6.618164 6.618164
# 3 3 100.61319 9.533577 0.05839552 7.247275 7.247275
# 4 4 98.45976 3.680751 0.02254551 6.894018 6.894018
# 5 5 104.48396 5.964945 0.03653676 7.095793 7.095793
# 6 1 104.05087 6.718559 0.04115283 7.745383 7.745383
# 7 2 98.18486 9.166696 0.05614828 6.618164 6.618164
# 8 3 93.50934 7.118524 0.04360272 7.247275 7.247275
# 9 4 101.75665 6.385142 0.03911057 6.894018 6.894018
# 10 5 100.79521 7.129071 0.04366732 7.095793 7.095793
# 11 1 92.10072 7.097935 0.04347660 7.745383 7.745383
# 12 2 104.64702 6.212637 0.03805394 6.618164 6.618164
# 13 3 95.33966 5.096398 0.03121670 7.247275 7.247275
# 14 4 107.13121 10.452435 0.06402375 6.894018 6.894018
# 15 5 102.71442 8.344599 0.05111273 7.095793 7.095793
is from your for
loop, wt_score2
is identical).
(If you're using dplyr
version before 1.1, then you cannot use .by=
... remove that, and instead use dat %>% group_by(group) %>% mutate(...)
While you tagged dplyr, this can be done in base R as well.
dat$wt_score3 <- ave(
1:nrow(dat), dat$group,
FUN = function(z) sum(dat$cost[z] * (dat$current_score[z] - dat$future_score[z]))/sum(dat$cost[z]))
# group cost current_score future_score wt_score wt_score3
# 1 1 110.95492 9.377867 0.05744175 7.745383 7.745383
# 2 2 103.20114 4.725669 0.02894589 6.618164 6.618164
# 3 3 100.61319 9.533577 0.05839552 7.247275 7.247275
# 4 4 98.45976 3.680751 0.02254551 6.894018 6.894018
# 5 5 104.48396 5.964945 0.03653676 7.095793 7.095793
# 6 1 104.05087 6.718559 0.04115283 7.745383 7.745383
# 7 2 98.18486 9.166696 0.05614828 6.618164 6.618164
# 8 3 93.50934 7.118524 0.04360272 7.247275 7.247275
# 9 4 101.75665 6.385142 0.03911057 6.894018 6.894018
# 10 5 100.79521 7.129071 0.04366732 7.095793 7.095793
# 11 1 92.10072 7.097935 0.04347660 7.745383 7.745383
# 12 2 104.64702 6.212637 0.03805394 6.618164 6.618164
# 13 3 95.33966 5.096398 0.03121670 7.247275 7.247275
# 14 4 107.13121 10.452435 0.06402375 6.894018 6.894018
# 15 5 102.71442 8.344599 0.05111273 7.095793 7.095793
does not take multiple arguments, so we feed it instead the row indices and handle extracting from the frame internally to the anonymous FUN
Benchmarking with a small frame is premature and should not be trusted. For example, using bench::mark
on the three on 15 rows, we see
# A tibble: 3 × 13
expression min median `itr/sec` mem_alloc `gc/sec` n_itr n_gc total_time result memory time gc
<bch:expr> <bch:tm> <bch:tm> <dbl> <bch:byt> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <bch:tm> <list> <list> <list> <list>
1 ave 48.27µs 56.18µs 17541. 0B 8.75 8020 4 457ms <NULL> <Rprofmem [0 × 3]> <bench_tm [8,024]> <tibble [8,024 × 3]>
2 dplyr 1.06ms 1.13ms 882. 4.85KB 5.35 330 2 374ms <NULL> <Rprofmem [16 × 3]> <bench_tm [332]> <tibble [332 × 3]>
3 forloop 524.06µs 621.33µs 1622. 0B 8.71 745 4 459ms <NULL> <Rprofmem [0 × 3]> <bench_tm [749]> <tibble [749 × 3]>
where `itr/sec`
(higher is better) and median
(lower is better) are two good measures. However, if we go with a much larger frame,
datbig <- bind_rows(replicate(1000, dat, simplify=FALSE))
# [1] 15000
# A tibble: 3 × 13
expression min median `itr/sec` mem_alloc `gc/sec` n_itr n_gc total_time result memory time gc
<bch:expr> <bch:tm> <bch:tm> <dbl> <bch:byt> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <bch:tm> <list> <list> <list> <list>
1 ave 764.12µs 833.87µs 971. 1.39MB 9.85 493 5 507.87ms <NULL> <Rprofmem [42 × 3]> <bench_tm [493]> <tibble [493 × 3]>
2 dplyr 1.34ms 1.41ms 666. 1013.19KB 4.00 333 2 500.2ms <NULL> <Rprofmem [49 × 3]> <bench_tm [333]> <tibble [333 × 3]>
3 forloop 3.58s 3.58s 0.280 12.38GB 21.5 1 77 3.58s <NULL> <Rprofmem [375,000 × 3]> <bench_tm [1]> <tibble [1 × 3]>
we can see different gains. Another (big!) factor is the number of groups, where I suspect many-more-groups will change the results. (The for
loop is abysmally slow here ...)
Another alternative: iterate over the unique groups instead of each row.
for (grp in unique(dat$group)) {
dat$wt_score3[dat$group == grp] <- wt_score(grp, dat)
# group cost current_score future_score wt_score wt_score3
# 1 1 110.95492 9.377867 0.05744175 7.745383 7.745383
# 2 2 103.20114 4.725669 0.02894589 6.618164 6.618164
# 3 3 100.61319 9.533577 0.05839552 7.247275 7.247275
# 4 4 98.45976 3.680751 0.02254551 6.894018 6.894018
# 5 5 104.48396 5.964945 0.03653676 7.095793 7.095793
# 6 1 104.05087 6.718559 0.04115283 7.745383 7.745383
# 7 2 98.18486 9.166696 0.05614828 6.618164 6.618164
# 8 3 93.50934 7.118524 0.04360272 7.247275 7.247275
# 9 4 101.75665 6.385142 0.03911057 6.894018 6.894018
# 10 5 100.79521 7.129071 0.04366732 7.095793 7.095793
# 11 1 92.10072 7.097935 0.04347660 7.745383 7.745383
# 12 2 104.64702 6.212637 0.03805394 6.618164 6.618164
# 13 3 95.33966 5.096398 0.03121670 7.247275 7.247275
# 14 4 107.13121 10.452435 0.06402375 6.894018 6.894018
# 15 5 102.71442 8.344599 0.05111273 7.095793 7.095793
Instead of iterating nrow(dat)
times, we just iterate length(unique(dat$group))
times. This is significantly faster than the first for
loop. Here is the comparison (using datbig
# A tibble: 4 × 13
expression min median `itr/sec` mem_alloc `gc/sec` n_itr n_gc total_time result memory time gc
<bch:expr> <bch:tm> <bch:tm> <dbl> <bch:byt> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <bch:tm> <list> <list> <list> <list>
1 ave 771.51µs 857.27µs 935. 1.39MB 9.76 479 5 512.55ms <NULL> <Rprofmem [42 × 3]> <bench_tm [479]> <tibble [479 × 3]>
2 dplyr 1.39ms 1.51ms 617. 1013.19KB 4.00 309 2 500.44ms <NULL> <Rprofmem [49 × 3]> <bench_tm [309]> <tibble [309 × 3]>
3 forloop 3.83s 3.83s 0.261 12.38GB 21.9 1 84 3.83s <NULL> <Rprofmem [375,000 × 3]> <bench_tm [1]> <tibble [1 × 3]>
4 forloop2 932.03µs 974.12µs 758. 5.04MB 22.0 379 11 500.28ms <NULL> <Rprofmem [142 × 3]> <bench_tm [379]> <tibble [379 × 3]>
Showing that the reduced for
loop is on-par with ave
and dplyr
(I can't help but see the mem_alloc
difference as well. 12GB compared with 1-5MB? Yes, that shows another very good reason why doing a per-row for
loop is not the wisest choice.)
Another alternative, if you want to squeeze some more speed out of it:
DT <-
DT[, wt_score := sum(cost * (current_score - future_score))/sum(cost), by = .(group)]
# A tibble: 5 × 13
expression min median `itr/sec` mem_alloc `gc/sec` n_itr n_gc total_time result memory time gc
<bch:expr> <bch:tm> <bch:tm> <dbl> <bch:byt> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <bch:tm> <list> <list> <list> <list>
1 ave 754.55µs 837.44µs 1020. 1.39MB 10.0 510 5 500.1ms <NULL> <Rprofmem [42 × 3]> <bench_tm [510]> <tibble [510 × 3]>
2 dplyr 1.32ms 1.38ms 679. 1013.19KB 4.00 340 2 500.41ms <NULL> <Rprofmem [49 × 3]> <bench_tm [340]> <tibble [340 × 3]>
3 forloop 4.11s 4.11s 0.243 12.38GB 22.4 1 92 4.11s <NULL> <Rprofmem [375,007 × 3]> <bench_tm [1]> <tibble [1 × 3]>
4 forloop2 893.94µs 958.22µs 785. 5.04MB 22.0 393 11 500.33ms <NULL> <Rprofmem [142 × 3]> <bench_tm [393]> <tibble [393 × 3]>
5 datatable 442.91µs 481.71µs 1931. 326.06KB 4.00 966 2 500.22ms <NULL> <Rprofmem [17 × 3]> <bench_tm [966]> <tibble [966 × 3]>
But I do not recommend switching to data.table
spuriously: it is fast and works really well here, but it has a very different "dialect" compared to base R and dplyr. Learn to do one really well before moving on to the other. Only if your data is gargantuan (subjective and relative) would I really urge you to make this switch.
(I really do like the significantly-reduced mem_alloc
for the DT implementation ...)