I have a Python 2.7/PyGTK 2.24 project. I'm building on Linux Ubuntu 11.
I am using the following code to animate an image's movement across the screen.
def move_fish():
global fishmove, flipped
if fishmove < 440 and flipped == False:
fishmove = fishmove + 10
fixed_hab.move(fish1, fishmove, 50)
return True
elif fishmove == 440 and flipped == False:
pixbufanim = gtk.gdk.PixbufAnimation("IMG/IMG-FISH-L.gif")
flipped = True
fishmove = fishmove - 10
fixed_hab.move(fish1, fishmove, 50)
return True
elif fishmove > 0 and flipped == True:
fishmove = fishmove - 10
fixed_hab.move(fish1, fishmove, 50)
return True
elif fishmove == 0 and flipped == True:
pixbufanim = gtk.gdk.PixbufAnimation("IMG/IMG-FISH-R.gif")
flipped = False
return True
gobject.timeout_add(100, move_fish)
The code runs fine, with no compile errors or errors during runtime. However, AFTER I close the window, I get the following error multiple times. (Mind you, the fixed_hab (gtk.Fixed) and fish1 (gtk.Image) objects are at the same scope as the function declaration "def move_fish():"
Word4Word-9-16.py:1655: GtkWarning: gtk_fixed_move_internal: assertion `widget->parent == GTK_WIDGET (fixed)' failed fixed_hab.move(fish1, fishmove, 50)
Is this serious? Can I fix it? Is this going to made things difficult for the end user?
Thanks in advance!
Most likely your tiemout_add fires while the application is destroyed. Your options are:
Accessing a widget that no longer exists can fail silently but when your application logic changes, it may even segfault noisily.