Is there a way to get 'Size' column of "Total Commit-Process View" (Which is shown in WPA) using "Microsoft.Windows.EventTracing".
I am generated ETL file(using WPR), and in the "Size' column of the 'Total Commit(Process View), i get Size value in the WPA.
I would like to get the same result using "Microsoft.Windows.EventTracing" c# code.
Can someone through some pointers.
Thanks Santhi
Here's a code example that will print the total commit for each process:
using Microsoft.Windows.EventTracing;
using Microsoft.Windows.EventTracing.Memory;
static class Program
private record ProcessCommitSize(int Pid, long Size);
static void Main(string[] args)
using (ITraceProcessor trace = TraceProcessor.Create(@"PATH_TO_FILE"))
IPendingResult<ICommitDataSource> pendingCommitData = trace.UseCommitData();
ICommitDataSource commitData = pendingCommitData.Result;
var commitLifetimes =
.Where(c => c.Process != null)
.Select(c => new ProcessCommitSize(c.Process.Id, c.AddressRange.Size.Bytes));
var copyOnWriteLifetimes =
.Where(c => c.Process != null)
.Select(c => new ProcessCommitSize(c.Process.Id, c.AddressRange.Size.Bytes));
var pageFileSectionLifetimes =
.Where(c => c.CreatingProcess != null)
.Select(c => new ProcessCommitSize(c.CreatingProcess.Id, c.Size.Bytes));
// These correspond to the "Unknown (Private)" commit types shown in WPA
var privateCommitRemainders =
.Where(r => r.Process != null)
.Select(r => new ProcessCommitSize(r.Process.Id, r.UnaccountedBytes.Bytes));
var allCommits =
.GroupBy(f => f.Pid)
.OrderBy(g => g.Key);
foreach (var processCommitSizeGroup in allCommits)
Console.WriteLine($"Process ID {processCommitSizeGroup.Key}: {processCommitSizeGroup.Sum(f => f.Size)} (count: {processCommitSizeGroup.Count()})");
Note that these numbers will be slightly different from what WPA shows by default. The "Size" column of this table has a default aggregation of "Peak Outstanding," and the above code would be similar to if you changed the aggregation to "Sum." To get different aggregations, change the processCommitSizeGroup.Sum
call to a function that performs the correct aggregation.