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How to count number of "words" in Chinese/Japanese content in Javascript

I'm trying to write a method to count the number of words when the content is in chinese and japanese. This should exclude the special characters / punctuations / whiteSpaces.

I tried creating a regex for each locale and find the words based on it. Tried looking for existing regex on internet but none of them seems to be working. My approach -

function countWords(text, locale) {
  let wordCount = 0;
  // Set the word boundary based on the locale
  let wordBoundary = '\\b';
  if (locale === 'ja') {
    // Japanese word boundary
    wordBoundary = '[\\p{Script=Hiragana}\\p{Script=Katakana}\\p{Script=Han}ー]+';
  } else if (locale === 'zh') {
    // Chinese word boundary
    wordBoundary = '[\\p{Script=Han}]+';
  const regex = new RegExp(wordBoundary, 'gu');
  const matches = text.matchAll(regex);
  for (const match of matches) {
  return wordCount;

I thought this should work, but I'm comparing the word count in MS word and using this logic, they are coming different


  • A possible word count approach could be based on a text segmentation array which was the result of calling an Intl.Segmenter instance's segment method.

    Each segmented item features properties like e.g. ...

    { segment: 'words', index: 9, input: 'How many words ...', isWordLike: true }

    ... thus, in order to get the total word count, one could reduce the array of text segment items by validating an item's isWordLike value ...

    function countWords(text, locale) {
      return [ Intl.Segmenter(locale, { granularity: 'word' })
      .reduce((wordCount, { isWordLike }) =>
        wordCount + Number(isWordLike), 0
      "countWords('How many words does the text contain?', 'en') ?..",
      countWords('How many words does the text contain?', 'en'),
      "countWords('Combien de mots contient ce texte ?', 'fr') ?..",
      countWords('Combien de mots contient ce texte ?', 'fr'),
      "countWords('そのテキストには何語含まれていますか?', 'ja') ?..",
      countWords('そのテキストには何語含まれていますか?', 'ja'),
      "countWords('该文本包含多少个单词?', 'zh') ?..",
      countWords('该文本包含多少个单词?', 'zh'),
    .as-console-wrapper { min-height: 100%!important; top: 0; }

    Note ... as of now Firefox still does not support/implement Intl.Segmenter