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SSIS Updating User Variables from a CSV file

I am fairly new to SSIS and I have been looking everywhere for the answer to this question and can't find it, which makes me think its really simple and obvious, because I'm pretty sure this is a standard problem with SSIS.

I am building a SSIS package to automate the uploading of data.

We have a multi-instance environment across four servers and are using SQL Server 2005. I therefore have a user variable for the server name and instance name. The database and table will always remain the same. The data is held in an excel file, but I will import the data using CSV.

Is there a way for me to update the user variables from the CSV file? Is TSQL - 'Open rowset' the way forward?

I had previously been updating the variables from the table I had imported the data into, but then I realised in a live situation I wont know where to import the data to, as the values will still be in the CSV file.

Please help! This is driving me crazy and I have a sinking feel that the answer is really obvious which is making it worse!!

Thank you!



  • There is a good example here: of how to load a user variable from a flat file.