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How to filter an array of objects when object key contains specific values

I have an array of objects which contains orderId & productId. If order contains 2 specific productIds then we need to remove those objects, but only when both productIds present. Either one of the productId is not present then don't need to remove those objects.

  • when the product Id's 454.110600 & 891.010000 match on the same order, delete both
  • when the product Id's 824.010000 & 890.010000 match on the same order, delete both


    "orderId": 1,
    "productId": "454.110600"
    "orderId": 1,
    "productId": "891.010000"   
    "orderId": 1,
    "productId": "103.110603" 
    "orderId": 2,
    "productId": "890.010000"
    "orderId": 2,
    "productId": "824.010000"   
    "orderId": 2,  
    "productId": "123.110601"  
    "orderId": 3,  
    "productId": "454.110600"  

Expected Output:

`  [  
    "orderId": 1,
    "productId": "103.110603" 
    "orderId": 2,  
    "productId": "123.110601"  
    "orderId": 3,  
    "productId": "454.110600"  

I tried below dataweave, but not giving expected output

%dw 2.0 var product = [ {"productId" : "454.110600"}, {"productId" : "891.010000"}, {"productId" : "824.010000"}, {"productId" : "892.010000"} ]

output application/json


((payload groupBy ((item, index) -> item."orderId")) pluck ((value, key, index) -> value)) map (items) -> items filter (not (product contains {"productId": $."productId"}))


  • Not sure if the logic is correct but I understood it as remove the products from the order if the there are more than two products found in a list of products that needs to be removed. You can try below:

    %dw 2.0
    output application/json
    var productIdsToRemove = ["454.110600", "891.010000", "824.010000", "890.010000"]
    var groupedData = payload groupBy ((item, index) -> item.orderId)
    fun filterData(orderId) = do {
        var commonItems = groupedData[orderId].productId filter (productIdsToRemove contains $)
        if (sizeOf(commonItems) >= 2) groupedData[orderId] filter !(productIdsToRemove contains $.productId)
        else groupedData[orderId]
    keysOf(groupedData) flatMap ((item, index) -> filterData(item))

    This results to:

        "orderId": 1,
        "productId": "103.110603"
        "orderId": 2,
        "productId": "123.110601"
        "orderId": 3,
        "productId": "454.110600"