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Comma in for loop

Why am I getting this syntax error in Zig?

parse_integers.zig:21:18: error: expected ')', found ','
    for (expected, list.items) |exp, actual| {

Here is the code (copied and pasted from the Zig home page):

const std = @import("std");
const parseInt = std.fmt.parseInt;

test "parse integers" {
    const input = "123 67 89,99";
    const ally = std.testing.allocator;

    var list = std.ArrayList(u32).init(ally);
    // Ensure the list is freed at scope exit.
    // Try commenting out this line!
    defer list.deinit();

    var it = std.mem.tokenize(u8, input, " ,");
    while ( |num| {
        const n = try parseInt(u32, num, 10);
        try list.append(n);

    const expected = [_]u32{ 123, 67, 89, 99 };

    for (expected, list.items) |exp, actual| {
        try std.testing.expectEqual(exp, actual);

I have Zig 0.10.1 installed.

I got this error by running:

zig test parse_integers.zig


  • multi-range for loop has introduced in 0.11 (current master)