There was an automated review of the code for a small internal website my company created, and I've been asked to fix the detected vulnerabilities.
How do I go about correcting this? The original developer has long since left the company, and i'm not too familar with coldfusion.
<cfquery name="qry_Products" datasource="#request.mssql_dsn#" username="#request.mssql_uid#" password="#request.mssql_pwd#">
UPDATE tblProduct
SET #form.F# = <cfif currVal is 1>0<cfelse>1</cfif>
WHERE ID = #form.ID#
The automated review says there is an issue on the 3rd and 4th lines. I guess the problem is form.F
and form.ID
Dynamic SQL table column names from the form is not the best approach. But if you must, then I would create a map structure which controls the values which are finally rendered in the original query and for form.ID
you should use <cfqueryparam>
, this will prevent any sql injection attempts.
Still, I recommend using proper column names instead of a dynamic variable.
<cfset columnValueMap = {
'formValue1': 'dbColumnName1',
'formValue2': 'dbColumnName2',
'formValue3': 'dbColumnName3'
<cfif structKeyExists(columnValueMap, form.F)>
<cfquery name="qry_Products" datasource="#request.mssql_dsn#" username="#request.mssql_uid#" password="#request.mssql_pwd#">
UPDATE tblProduct
SET #columnValueMap[form.F]# = <cfif currVal is 1>0<cfelse>1</cfif>
WHERE ID = <cfqueryparam value="#form.ID#" cfsqltype="integer">