I would like to read the content of a file that is to be uploaded in a custom validation. Is it possible?
So far, I've seen that it's possible to perform some validations on the file's metadata (extention, size...) but not on it's content. I've also seen this question that's a bit similar, even though I don't want to modify the file. I just want to read it in a custom validation.
It seems like you can access the file being uploaded and simply read it in the validation.
For Example
class User < ApplicationRecord
has_one_attached :resume
validate :resume_contents
def resume_contents
return unless record.send(attribute).attached? && !record.attachment_changes['resume'].blank?
file = record.attachment_changes['resume'].attachable
if file.is_a?(ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile) && file.read =~ /bad content/i
errors.add(:resume, :invalid, message: 'cannot contain bad content')
For a more in depth implementation you could refer to the active_storage_validations