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Automatically Create PowerPoint Table of Contents with Slide Links using Python

The Question

I would like to create (automatically) a table of contents, with slide links, in a PowerPoint presentation using Python. Presumably this can be done using python-pptx or similar library. However, I cannot figure out how to do it. Can anyone provide a sample code for how this can be achieved?

Further Context

Ultimately, I am building an automated solution for taking a folder of images, making unique pairs, placing them onto PPT slides, and generating a table of contents with links to the unique pairings. This way, users can quickly navigate to the desired pairings without scrolling through all of the slides. Additionally, the PPT can then be output as a linked PDF for easier distribution and navigation if desired.


  • This will create a table of contents (TOC) slide with an entry for each slide that contains a title (ie, text in a title placeholder). Each entry will be a hyperlink to the matching slide.

    See comments for documentation, such as it is.

    Option Explicit
    Sub MakeTocFromTitles()
    ' If there's no TOC slide already, it will add one at Slide 1.
    ' So you may want to add a blank slide at that position before running this.
    ' If there's already a TOC slide anywhere in the presentation,
    '   it'll use it, in its current position.
    ' You can mostly format an existing TOC textbox any way you like.
    ' If you regenerate the TOC, it'll use the original formatting, but
    '   because it's adding hyperlinks, it'll use the presentation's theme
    '   colors for hyperlinks and followed hyperlinks.
    '   (ie and override any font coloring you've assigned)
    Dim oSl As Slide
    Dim oSh As Shape
    Dim sTitleText As String
    Dim rngTOCText As TextRange
    Dim oTOCShape As Shape
    Dim oTOCSlide As Slide
    ' Check for a TOC slide
    For Each oSl In ActivePresentation.Slides
        If oSl.Tags("TOCSlide") = "YES" Then
            Set oTOCSlide = oSl
            Exit For
        End If
    ' Did we find one? If not, add one and tag it
    If oTOCSlide Is Nothing Then
        Set oTOCSlide = ActivePresentation.Slides.AddSlide(1, _
        oTOCSlide.Tags.Add "TOCSlide", "YES"
    End If
    ' Now check for a TOC on the TOCSlide
    For Each oSh In oTOCSlide.Shapes
        If oSh.Tags("TOCShape") = "YES" Then
            Set oTOCShape = oSh
            ' delete the text in the shape (does this lose formatting?)
            Exit For
        End If
    ' Did we find a TOCshape? If not, add one:
    If oTOCShape Is Nothing Then
        Set oTOCShape = _
            oTOCSlide.Shapes.AddTextbox(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, _
            0, 0, 720, 720)
        oTOCShape.Tags.Add "TOCShape", "YES"
    End If
    For Each oSl In ActivePresentation.Slides
        ' Don't look at the TOCSlide
        If Not oSl.SlideIndex = oTOCSlide.SlideIndex Then
            ' Pick up the slide's title; skip it if there is none
            Set oSh = GetSlideTitle(oSl)
            If Not oSh Is Nothing Then
                sTitleText = oSh.TextFrame.TextRange.Text
                ' add the text to the end of the ongoing TOC
                ' and add a paragraph ending
                Set rngTOCText = _
                    oTOCShape.TextFrame.TextRange.Characters.InsertAfter(sTitleText & vbCrLf)
                ' make the added text a link to the current slide
                rngTOCText.ActionSettings(1).Hyperlink.SubAddress = CStr(oSl.SlideID) _
                    & "," & CStr(oSl.SlideIndex) & "," & sTitleText
            End If ' no title on slide
        End If  ' SlideIndex = 1
    End Sub
    Function GetSlideTitle(oSl As Slide) As Shape
        If oSl.Shapes.HasTitle Then
            Set GetSlideTitle = oSl.Shapes.Title
        End If
    End Function