I'm trying to display an image from a specific folder, but the error "_tkinter.TclError: image "pyimage2" doesn't exist" is showing. I have verified the image path, and it's correct.
This is a project where many nested functions are called. I suppose this may be the cause of the error, since I have tried this isolated function in another app and it's working properly.
def display_image(csv_file_name, df, frame):
# Create image path
image_path = current_folder_path + '/' + csv_file_name + '.png'
# Create image widget
my_image = customtkinter.CTkImage(Image.open(image_path), size=(25, 25))
# Create label to display image
image_label = customtkinter.CTkLabel(frame, text="", image=my_image)
_tkinter.TclError: image "pyimage2" doesn't exist
Possibly you've created more than one instance of Tk()/CTk(). Each image object is tied to one instance, and won't work with widgets that are part of a different instance. If this is the problem, use Toplevel() (or whatever the customtkinter equivalent is) to create additional windows. – jasonharper
*This was the reason of the error. I tried to use a class designed for displaying toplevel windows in customtkinter and it worked. Thanks to jasonharper.