I have nmap results in a structure like this:
_id: 64940937ab90b8acfa5386fb
ip : ""
top_ports: Object
--> Object
--> state: Object
----> state : "up"
I would like to do an aggregation where I can see how many machines are in 'up' state.
So I did
path: "$top_ports",
but I am not sure how to do the match where the ip field value is used as a key in the match
"$top_ports.$ip.state.state" : "up"
If I do it in python it would be easy to replace the string, but I need this aggregation in mongodb compass so I can use it later on in mongodb charts.
I tried
$match{"$top_ports.$ip.state.state" : "up"}
$match{"$top_ports[ip].state.state" : "up"}
and many other desperate combinations
I think I need to use $set
allKeys: {$objectToArray: "$top_ports"}
but I get stuck :-/
Generally having value as key is not a good practice , if you can fix the schema , more convenient in your case would be to have it as follow:
"_id": 1,
"ip": "",
"top_ports": [
"addr": "",
"state": {
"state": "up"
Where you can match simply by:
{ $match:{ "top_ports.addr":""}}
and filter easily only the matching state up like this:
"$addFields": {
"top_ports": {
"$filter": {
"input": "$top_ports",
"as": "tp",
"cond": {
$and: [
"$eq": [
"$eq": [
Otherways you will need to do some additional transformations like the below that are not very optimal for larger documents and collections:
"$addFields": {
"top_ports": {
"$objectToArray": "$top_ports"
$match: {
"top_ports.k": ""
"$addFields": {
"top_ports": {
"$arrayToObject": "$top_ports"