Currently using a dataframe
to store information on data we've collected. Prior to submitting the data, we need to validate the data based off a list of rules. Trying to set up these validations in python, and part of the problem is readability vs. performance.
For example: (Each item is a column in the data frame) Rule: Dir_Through_Lanes must exist where F_System = 1 and Facility_Type in (1;2;6) and RoadEventCollectionMethods Pav_Rep_Method = 2
Two methods of validating the data:
def sjpm201a(self):
def sjpm201_check(row):
if row['F_SYSTEM'] == 1 and row['FACILITY_TYPE'] in [1,2,6] and row['PAVE_REP_METHOD'] == 2:
if row['DIR_THROUGH_LANES'] == np.nan:
row['SJPM201'] = False
return row
row['SJPM201a'] = True
return row
self.df = self.df.apply(sjpm201_check, axis=1)
indexing def sjpm201b(self):
df = self.df
self.df['SJPM201b'] = ((df['DIR_THROUGH_LANES'].notna()) | ((df['F_SYSTEM'] != 1) | (~df['FACILITY_TYPE'].isin([1,2,6])) | (df['PAVE_REP_METHOD'] != 2)))
The problem is that the first method is easier to read/write/update whereas the second method is a bit harder just due to the grouping of ands/ors especially on longer rules. However the second method runs in about .01 seconds vs the first method taking about 22 seconds to run. This is a problem as we have hundreds of rules that need to be ran.
Is there a way to achieve the same performance as the second method, but using if/else
if blocks to filter the data?
Instead of checking for (!condition1 or !condition2) in your second example, you could use (condition1 and condition2) as in the first example in separated lines. E.g.:
def sjpm201b(self):
self.df = self.df[self.df['DIR_THROUGH_LANES'].notna()]
self.df = self.df[self.df['F_SYSTEM'] == 1]
self.df = self.df[self.df['FACILITY_TYPE'].isin([1,2,6])]
self.df = self.df[self.df['PAVE_REP_METHOD'] == 2]
Edit: I am slightly confused. Do you want to retain rows where df['F_SYSTEM']==1 or do you only want to keep everything that is != 1? The above function would only retain values that are within your specification and delete the rest.
Edit2: The following will return a dataframe that will list which rows conform to your specifications but have na-values in the DIR_THROUGH_LANES column.
def sjpm201b(self):
df = self.df
df = df[df['F_SYSTEM'] == 1]
df = df[df['FACILITY_TYPE'].isin([1,2,6])]
df = df[df['PAVE_REP_METHOD'] == 2]
df = df[df['DIR_THROUGH_LANES'].isna()]
return df
In case you want a simple True/False result of your validation you could use:
return df['DIR_THROUGH_LANES'].isna().any()
Edit3: Improve readability by adding linebreaks:
def sjpm201b(self):
self.df = self.df[
| (df['F_SYSTEM'] != 1)
| (~df['FACILITY_TYPE'].isin([1,2,6]))
| (df['PAVE_REP_METHOD'] != 2))