I'm trying to migrate to GA4, but I need to use measurement protocol. I am successfully sending events to GA with POST requests based on this documentation: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/protocol/ga4/sending-events
Unfortunatelly I can't figure a way to send a config request which is described in https://developers.google.com/tag-platform/gtagjs/configure
gtag('config', 'TAG_ID', {<additional_config_params>});
Can anyone show me a working example?
With Measurement Protocol, you don't need to set the config. If you are able to send the events using Offical docs, then you are all set.
The gtag('config', 'TAG_ID', {<additional_config_params>});
config is used when you use gtag
js on the client side. This is not related to Measurement Protocol at all.