I am pretty new to creating CLI apps. I am using ts-node and commander for this, however i am struggling to figure out how to access user passed in options in my command action.
.option('-sm, --something', 'does something', false)
program.command('clear-envirorment').action(() => {
/// want to be able to see the passed in usage options here
if (options.contains('-sm')) {
// do something
(async () => {
const userFeedback = await getPromptAnswers(CLEAR_ENV_QUESTIONS);
if (userFeedback?.deleteAll) {
Not sure if this is even something i should be doing, any help would be appreciated.
The action handler is passed the command-arguments and options for the command, and the command itself. In this simple example of an action handler there are just options and no command-arguments (positional arguments).
const { Command } = require('commander');
const program = new Command();
.description('An application for pizza ordering')
.option('-p, --peppers', 'Add peppers')
.option('-c, --cheese <type>', 'Add the specified type of cheese', 'marble')
.option('-C, --no-cheese', 'You do not want any cheese')
.action(options => {
$ node index.js -p -c cheddar
{ cheese: 'cheddar', peppers: true }
(Disclaimer: I am a maintainer of Commander.)