I am trying to solve the problem 2.8 of "AI - A Modern Approach" book which involves a grid of cells and choosing random moves to navigate the grid.
2.7 Implement an environment for a n X m rectangular room, where each square has a 5% chance of containing dirt, and n and m are chosen at random from the range 8 to 15, inclusive.
2.8 Design and implement a pure reflex agent for the environment of Exercise 2.7, ignoring the requirement of returning home, and measure its performance.
So I have used two state monads - one with Grid
as the state and another with StdGen
as the state. The code compile without any error but when I run it from GHCi, it gets stuck and does not return.
The relevant part of the code:
Supporting code
type RandomState = State StdGen
makeGrid :: (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) -> Float -> RandomState Grid
doAction :: Action -> Cleaner -> State Grid Cleaner
getRandomR :: Random a => (a, a) -> RandomState a
getRandomR limits = do
gen <- get
let (val, gen') = randomR limits gen
put gen'
return val
chooseAction :: Percepts -> RandomState Action
chooseAction percepts
| PhotoSensor `elem` percepts = return SuckDirt
| InfraredSensor `elem` percepts = return TurnOff
| TouchSensor `elem` percepts = return TurnLeft
| otherwise = do
r <- getRandomR ((1, 3) :: (Int, Int))
case r of
1 -> return GoForward
2 -> return TurnRight
3 -> return TurnLeft
Main code
runCleaner :: Int -> Cleaner -> StateT Grid RandomState Cleaner
runCleaner turnsLeft cleaner@(Cleaner _ _ _ ph _) =
if turnsLeft == 0
then return cleaner
else do
grid <- get
gen <- lift $ get
cleaner <- case ph of
[] -> do
let (cleaner, grid) = runState (doAction GoForward cleaner) grid
put grid
return cleaner
_ -> do
let (action, gen) = runState (chooseAction (head ph)) gen
lift $ put gen
let (cleaner, grid) = runState (doAction action cleaner) grid
put grid
return cleaner
case clState cleaner of
Off -> return cleaner
On -> runCleaner (turnsLeft - 1) cleaner
simulateOnGrid :: Int -> Grid -> StdGen -> (Cleaner, Grid)
simulateOnGrid maxTurns grid gen =
evalState (runStateT (runCleaner maxTurns cleaner) grid) gen
where cleaner = createCleaner (fromJust $ cell (0,0) grid) East
I invoke the simulateOnGrid
function from GHCi like this:
> gen <- newStdGen
> let grid = evalState (makeGrid (8,15) (8,15) 0.05) gen
> simulateOnGrid 5 grid gen
and code gets stuck at the line:
let (cleaner, grid) = runState (doAction GoForward cleaner) grid
which I have confirmed by putting traces in the code. The call to the doAction
function never happens.
The issue seems to be the use of runState
inside the runCleaner
function, but I am unable to find any reason for it.
Please explain the reason and if there is a way to solve this issue.
Also, using runState
inside the a monadic function feels wrong to me. Please suggest if there is a better way to do it.
In the right hand side of a let
binding, the names being bound are in scope, so when you write
let (cleaner, grid) = runState (doAction GoForward cleaner) grid
the cleaner
and grid
on the right hand side of the =
are the same ones as the ones on the left hand side. This will probably cause an infinite loop as you're feeding the output of the action back as its input! To avoid this, use different names for the output.
let (cleaner', grid') = runState (doAction GoForward cleaner) grid
That aside, you're absolutely right that using runState
like this is odd. I think you can simplify things greatly if you change the type of doAction
doAction :: Monad m => Action -> Cleaner -> StateT Grid m Cleaner
You didn't provide the body for this function, but I'm guessing it will still work with this less constrained type signature.
Now you don't have to fiddle around with getting and putting the state manually anymore, since doAction
can be run directly in your monad, and chooseAction
can be run by lifting it first. Using this, your case
expression can be written much more succinctly:
cleaner <- case ph of
[] -> doAction GoForward cleaner
_ -> do action <- lift $ chooseAction (head ph)
doAction action cleaner