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Reduce IME padding for child composable in Jetpack Compose

I have a screen with a NavigationBar and a content screen with a TextField as follow:

|                               |
|      Content Composable       |
|                               |
|    _____________________      |
|   |                     |     |
|   |     TextField       |     |
|   |_____________________|     |
|                               |
|                               |
|                               |
|   Home   |  Search  | Profile |

Column {
    Column(Modifier.verticalScroll().weight(1f)) {
    NavigationBar { ... }

If I apply .imePadding() modifier to the inner Column, the bottom padding would be too large as it doesn't compensate for the NavigationBar and bottom system bar. How do I subtract the height of the navigation bar and bottom system bar from this IME padding?


  • WindowInsets subtraction can be done with .consumeWindowInsets(PaddingValues(...)).

    I wrote the following modifier that adjusts the padding depending on how far composable is from the bottom of the window:

    fun Modifier.positionAwareImePadding() = composed {
        var consumePadding by remember { mutableStateOf(0) }
        onGloballyPositioned { coordinates ->
            val rootCoordinate = coordinates.findRootCoordinates()
            val bottom = coordinates.positionInWindow().y + coordinates.size.height
            consumePadding = (rootCoordinate.size.height - bottom).toInt()
            .consumeWindowInsets(PaddingValues(bottom = (consumePadding / LocalDensity.current.density).dp))

    Example usage in OP's scenario:

    Column {
        Column(modifier = Modifier
        ) {
        NavigationBar { ... }