I've written this rake task to find unused columns in a Rails app:
desc 'list all nil columns'
task list_empty_columns: :environment do
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.tables.each do |table|
# ignore some tables
next if %w[
action active blazer brands_templates brands_ categories_ components_ covers_ metadata punches schema silos tag
invoice session template_cate
].any? { |w| table.include?(w) }
# constantize the class name
klass = table.singularize.camelize.constantize
klass.columns.each do |column|
# check if all values are nil (problem must be here)
next unless klass.where(column.name => nil).all?
p "#{table} #{column.name} is all nil"
Unfortunately it prints out columns in the DB which have data in them too. What is wrong with the task?
to get an array of all column values.all
next unless klass.pluck(column.name).all? {|col| col.nil?}
or with shorthand
next unless klass.pluck(column.name).all?(&:nil?)