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Grails projection on arithmetic expression with executeQuery()?

I need to get a sum of all items sold per order per store. I am running a sum() on expression using executeQuery(). It works fine as shown below but I wanted to know if there is a better, groovier way to do it.

StoreService {
  static transactional = false

  def getTotalOrders(def store) {
    return Store.executeQuery("select sum(a.soldQuantity * a.soldPrice) as total 
             from OrderItem a inner join a.order b inner join c 
             where c= :store", [store: store]).get(0)

Store {
  transient storeService

  def getTotalSales() {

  static hasMany = [items: Item]
  // no hasMany to Order

Item {
  static belongsTo = [store: Store]
  // no hasMany to OrderItem

Order {
  static hasMany = [orderItems: OrderItem]
  static belongsTo = [store: Store]

OrderItem {

  BigDecimal soldPrice
  Integer soldQuantity

  static belongsTo = [order: Order, item: Item]


I think withCriteria() would be easier to read but I couldn't figure out how to do it with expressions within sum() wouldn't take for obvious reasons.

projections {
  sum("soldPrice * soldQuantity")



  • There are two options you can go with.

    Option 1

    You can add a formula mapping to your domain class then query it directly.

    OrderItem {
      BigDecimal soldPrice
      Integer soldQuantity
      BigDecimal totalPrice
      static mapping = {
        totalPrice formula: "sold_price * sold_quantity"
      static belongsTo = [order: Order, item: Item]

    Now your criteria query can just contain

    projections {

    Not only that but you can query it with dynamic finders OrderItem.findAllByTotalPriceGreaterThan(20.00) as well as simple access println "The final price is ${orderInstance.totalPrice}. We find this really nifty however there are times when you would want to get totalPrice before the OrderItem has been persisted so we usually write a simple(Not DRY) getter

    BigDecimal getTotalPrice() {
        totalPrice ?: (soldPrice && soldQuantity) ? soldPrice * soldQuantity : null

    But you only need this sort of thing if you require totalPrice before it has been persisted.

    Option 2

    Before formula mappings we used to drop down to the Hibernate Criteria API and use a sqlProjection Projection as part of our criteria query.

    projections {
                "sum(sold_price * sold_quantity) as totalPrice",
                ["totalPrice"] as String[], 
                [Hibernate.LONG] as Type[],
            ), "sumProjection")


    I think it is important to note that in both the formula and the sql projection, use the column names in the database and your database specific sum syntax.