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Task scheduled as a cronjob not executing

On my Macos 11.6.1, I want to execute a script 'task1.zsh' with the following content


/usr/bin/touch /Users/user/Documents/cronjobs/hello.txt
echo hello >> /Users/user/Documents/cronjobs/hello.txt

the file task1.zsh has the following permissions:

-rwxr-x--x   1 user  staff   116B Jun 18 00:15 task1.zsh*

I inserted the following task with cronjob (with the following output of the command crontab -l:

* * * * * /Users/user/Documents/cronjobs/task1.zsh

with this cronjob, however the file "hello.txt" is not created nor populated. I also tried to replace

* * * * * /Users/user/Documents/cronjobs/task1.zsh


* * * * * cd /Users/user/Documents/cronjobs/ && ./task1.zsh

as well as

* * * * * /bin/zsh /Users/user/Documents/cronjobs/task1.zsh


* * * * * cd /Users/user/Documents/cronjobs /bin/zsh task1.zsh

without success.

However If I had the following other task to the cronjob list:

* * * * * cd /Users/user/Documents/cronjobs && /bin/zsh task1.zsh
* * * * * cd /Users/user/Documents/cronjobs && echo check >> cron1.log

the file cron1.log gets created and gets populated by the string "check" (but the file hello.txt does not get created nor populated)

What am I doing wrong?


  • As mentionned in the comment of Gordon Davisson in this question:, I went to Security and Privacy and granted full disk access to cron and it worked