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python grpc DNS resolution failed

I have been attempting to connect to a gRPC server hosted behind the domain name "".

I am using grpc.secure_channel to establish the connection. However, I encounter the error message DNS resolution failed for UNKNOWN: Name or service not known. Interestingly, if I change the domain name to just "", the connection works fine. It seems that the GRPC_DNS_RESOLVER is unable to resolve domain names that include a directory path after the hostname.

Has anyone encountered this issue before or have any suggestions on how to resolve it?

channel_credential = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials(crt.encode())
channel = grpc.secure_channel('', channel_credential)
intercept_channel = grpc.intercept_channel(channel)
stub = project_pb2_grpc.MyStub(intercept_channel)


  • gRPC does not use paths, you should only provide the server name.