There is no docs for ARRAY field update in sqlalchemy. Idk, how to update position by index in sqlachemy orm. There is only possible to update the whole array, but I need to update single element in entry.
I found example in postgres docs:
SELECT * FROM sal_emp;
name | pay_by_quarter | schedule
Bill | {10000,10000,10000,10000} | {{meeting,lunch},{training,presentation}}
Carol | {20000,25000,25000,25000} | {{breakfast,consulting},{meeting,lunch}}
UPDATE sal_emp SET pay_by_quarter[4] = 15000
WHERE name = 'Bill';
But I didn't find how to slice or index in .values
method, there is only keyword arguments supported.
# sqlalchemy
# Can't do like this:
You can do this by passing a dict such as {SalEmp.pay_by_quarter[4]: 15000}
to values
The ORM query looks like
update(SalEmp).values({SalEmp.pay_by_quarter[4]: 15000}).where('Bill')