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iOS - Change color name in all XIBs or Storyboards

How can I replace a specific color defined in Xcode and used in multiple XIBs and storyboards with a different color throughout the project?

Example : How can I replace the color "MainPurple" with "MainYellow" in all XIBs and storyboards in Xcode where it is currently used, while ensuring that the change is applied consistently across the entire project?


  • Using the terminal, Navigate to the project and run this command:

    find . -type f \( -name '*.xib' -or -name '*.storyboard' \) \
      -exec sed -E -i '' 's/([cC]olor.*)name="MainPurple"/\1name="MainYellow"/' {} \;

    This searches in all XIBs and Storyboards for the color "MainPurple" whether used as a view color, button color, label color and so on , and replaces it with "MainYellow"