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File permission issue after updating Laravel Homestead box

I updated my Laravel Homestead box to version 13.0.0 and I now have a file permission issue :

The stream or file "/home/vagrant/code/Test/back/storage/logs/laravel-2023-06-21.log" could not be opened in append mode: Failed to open stream: Permission denied

Here are my permissions on the storage directory :

drwxr-xr-x 1 vagrant vagrant     256 Jun 21 02:20 storage

I tried to chown to www-data:www-data, as I read about that on other tickets, but it does not work. It even does not work when setting chmod to 777...

This was working fine before updating my box. I have reloaded the box, restarted my Mac without more success.

Config :

  • Vagrant 2.3.7
  • Homestead box 14.2.0 (Settler 13.0.0)
  • Parallels for Mac 18.3.1
  • Mac OS Ventura 13.4 (ARM)

Please help!

Thank you.


  • OK, no idea what happened but after running vagrant destroy and vagrant up it works.