I am trying to create a horizontal axis UIStackView
with 2 views, a label and an image, that would look something like this:
is the green portion + the blue portion + imageWhat I am trying to achieve is
What I am trying to achieve:
needs to grow dynamically depending on which is taller, the label or the imageThis is my set up in storyboard:
The constraints are as follows:
The edge case I am struggling with is when I have a text that is quite long and needs to wrap, it shrinks the image and it looks like this:
I know one way to solve it would be to change the image constraints from lessThanEqual
to Equal
, however when I do this, the space allocated for the imageview doesn't get removed when the image is nil and prevents the label from taking the full width of the stackview
How could I create the constraints in such a way that
Okay, quite a long post...
I am actually not sure that you can achieve this ONLY with the help of constraints, but maybe you can do something like this:
final class CustomImageView: UIImageView {
override var image: UIImage? {
didSet {
isHidden = image == nil
So when you will set an image, ex. from url and will occur that image is nil, imageView will hide itself, and label will take full size of StackView. Or you can avoid creating a custom class for imageView, and just add this logic locally where you need it. Moreover, if you need image to always be 128x128 and not resize to smaller size of label(like 1,2 or 3 lines of height), you can use strong equal constraints and not lessThanOrEqual type.
If changes will not apply to stack view layout, you can also use:
customImageView.image = UIImage(systemName: "plus")
customImageView.image = UIImage(systemName: "plus")
Sorry, forgot to mention this.