I was trying to add a reference assembly to my project but instead I added it as an analyzer assembly by mistake. After deleting the folder containing that assembly, I am no longer able to build the project due to the error shown below:
I was trying to remove the assembly but there is nothing shown under the analyzers in the solution explorer. Any idea how I can do that? or at least change the file path such that it can locate it in its new directory?
CS0006 failed to find the metadata file, which is a common error message that may be encountered during C# programming. This error message usually means that the compiler cannot find the assembly's metadata file, causing compilation to fail.
Here are three recommended solutions:
Build => Clean Solution
Open the csproj file of your project with Notepad, find the dll path you misreferenced, delete the ItemGroup, and reopen the project
I found a similar post: VS 2022 Metadata file 'C:*\crypto.dll' could not be found when a project .NET 6.0 reference a submodule project .netstandard2.0, his approach is to use powershell to execute "msbuild dirs. proj /restore"
If it doesn't work can you share how you added the assembly as analyzer assembly