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Comparing various date/time types

Is it defined how a date should be compared to a timestamp with a timezone or a timestamp without a timezone? For example, something like:

    DATE '2014-01-01' = TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE '2014-01-01',
    DATE '2014-01-01' = TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE '2014-01-01',

I've seen various implementations, some that error and some that allow it. For example Postgres allows all three, whereas BigQuery only allows comparing a date to a timestamp without a timezone.

My thinking is that a date doesn't necessarily imply that the time with that day is 00:00:00 -- for example, if the tv air date of an episode is July 1, 2023, it doesn't necessarily mean that the air date is at midnight UTC. So I think in the strictest sense, equality doesn't make sense across various date/time types (as it might across various numeric types).


  • ISO/IEC 9075-2:2023(E)

    5.3 < literal >

    <timestamp literal> ::=
      TIMESTAMP <timestamp string>
    <timestamp string> ::=
      <quote> <unquoted timestamp string> <quote>
    <unquoted timestamp string> ::=
      <unquoted date string> <space> <unquoted time string>
    <unquoted date string> ::=
      <date value>
    <unquoted time string> ::=
      <time value> [ <time zone interval> ]
    <time zone interval> ::=
      <sign> <hours value> <colon> <minutes value>

    Which means a TIMESTAMP literal can look like

    TIMESTAMP'2023-06-21 08:03:33'
    TIMESTAMP'2023-06-21 08:03:33.123'
    TIMESTAMP'2023-06-21 08:03:33+10:00'

    4.6 Datetimes and intervals

    Items of type datetime are comparable only if they have the same < primary datetime field >s.

    I.e. a TIMESTAMP and a DATE are not comparable, because they do not have the same primary datetime fields.

    <primary datetime field> ::=
      <non-second primary datetime field>
      | SECOND
    <non-second primary datetime field> ::=
    | MONTH
    | DAY
    | HOUR
    | MINUTE