I am attempting to insert data into a PostgreSQL database using PySpark with JDBC. However, during the data insertion process, it is unexpectedly attempting to recreate the table and producing the following output.
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: relation "account" already exists
I am trying to use the below code snippet to write the data in Postgres.
def postgres_writes(url, driver, username, password, table_name, df):
df.write \
.format("jdbc") \
.option("url", url) \
.option("dbtable", table_name) \
.option("user", username) \
.option("password", password) \
.option("driver", driver) \
.mode("append") \
I want to append the data in an existing table.
Please make sure that, you are passing appropriate jdbc url. As per Postgres documentation Documentation Link you can use below JDBC URL's forms
Also try to recreate the table and try to load the data again. There might be some issue at Spark session level.