I've been at this for some time. I'm attempting to use knexjs
and ssh2
node libraries to connect my local
to my RDS
instance via an EC2
jump host. I am able to connect via SSH
(in my termal and on dbeaver) into my ec2 instance which talks to my RDS database. I also notice SSH
works in my code as well but I can't seem to find a way to make knexjs use my ec2 instance to connect, does anyone have any pointers?
The easiest method is to use SSH with Port Forwarding. You don't say which database you are using, so let's assume port 3306:
ssh -i key.pem -L 3333:mydatabase.123456789012.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com:3306 ec2-user@EC2-IP-ADDRESS-OR-DNS-NAME
This will forward any requests sent to local port 3333 (you can use any port number) to the EC2 instance, where it will then be forwarded to mydatabase.123456789012.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com:3306
You can then point your SQL client to:
That will connect it to the remote database.