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Determine type of object embedded in bound object frame MS Access

We have a MS Access 365 form with a bound object frame, which is bound to a Varbinary(Max) column in the back end Azure SQL database.

The form was set up initially as a very quick fix so that users could paste screen shots from the snipping tool which would then be embedded in the database. However it now appears that users have been copying and pasting entire word documents, excel spreadsheets etc or segments of them.

Is there any way of programmatically determining the type of object which has been embedded for each record? We need to separate screen snips from all other types of object (Word/Excel etc.)

I am assuming there must be something, as if I loop through the records one at a time in the form and right click on the bound object frame, any Word/Excel etc objects give me the option of opening/editing the object, whereas if a screen snip has been pasted in, it doesn't.

Any help is very much appreciated, thanks! Jim


  • The following code will do what you want. Substitute oleImage with the name of your bound object frame. The best place would probably be in the BeforeUpdate event:

      With oleImage
        If .Class <> "StaticDib" And .Class <> "" Then
          MsgBox "The image content is not a valid bitmap and will be removed.", vbExclamation, "Invalid Image"
          .OleData = ""
          .Class = ""
        End If
      End With

    You can also interrogate the contents of the clipboard. Create a new module and copy the code at the bottom of this answer in there. You can then call the function fCheckClipBoardDataType as follows to see if the content matches what you want.

    If fCheckClipBoardDataType(CF_BITMAP) = False Then
      Msgbox "Wrong data type in clipboard"
    End If

    In your case, it would be CF_BITMAP to start with. Depending on your needs, you may also need to check for CF_DIB and CF_DIBV5 but probably not (see for details of clipboard formats):

    Option Compare Database
    Option Explicit
    #If VBA7 Then
      Private Declare PtrSafe Function IsClipboardFormatAvailable _
                                   Lib "user32" _
                                       (ByVal wFormat As Integer) As Long
      Private Declare Function IsClipboardFormatAvailable _
                           Lib "user32" _
                               (ByVal wFormat As Integer) As Long
    #End If
    Public Enum enClipDataType
      CF_BITMAP = 2
      CF_DIB = 8
      CF_DIBV5 = 17
      CF_DIF = 5
      CF_DSPBITMAP = 130
      CF_DSPTEXT = 129
      CF_GDIOBJFIRST = 768
      CF_GDIOBJLAST = 1023
      CF_HDROP = 15
      CF_LOCALE = 16
      CF_OEMTEXT = 7
      CF_PALETTE = 9
      CF_PENDATA = 10
      CF_PRIVATELAST = 767
      CF_RIFF = 11
      CF_SYLK = 4
      CF_TEXT = 1
      CF_TIFF = 6
      CF_WAVE = 12
    End Enum
    ' Check if the data in the clipboard matches the requested type.
    Public Function fCheckClipBoardDataType(lngType As enClipDataType) As Boolean
      If IsClipboardFormatAvailable(lngType) > 0 Then
        fCheckClipBoardDataType = True
        fCheckClipBoardDataType = False
      End If
    End Function