Search code examples

Puppeteer element can't be reached with selector

I want to get the src of multiple images but their selectors don't seem to work, like the elements are fake and aren't actually in the page.

This is one of the pages, every page has one of my desired elements (the main image), each with the same selector.

I have tried multiple selectors like:

'#mm-preview-outer > > img'and 'img[alt="meme generator image preview"]'but they don't work.

I tested my code by scraping other elements and everything works but when I change the selector in the .$eval() to my desired element it doesn't work (no errors).

This is my code working correctly with a different selector:

const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');

    const browser = await puppeteer.launch({

    const page = await browser.newPage();
    const page2 = await browser.newPage();
    await page.goto('');

    const boxes = await page.$$('.mt-boxes > .mt-box');
    for(const box of boxes){
        try {
            const title = await page.evaluate((el) => el.querySelector('h3 > a').textContent, box);
            const pageurl = await page.evaluate((el) => el.querySelector('').getAttribute('href'), box);

            await page2.goto(`${pageurl}`);
            const imageurl = await page.$eval('img[alt="Imgflip Logo"]', el => el.src);
            console.log('The source of',title,'is')
        } catch(error){}
    await browser.close();

Technically all I need to do is to change 'img[alt="Imgflip Logo"]' to 'img[alt="meme generator image preview"]' but this doesn't work.


  • To get img[alt="meme generator image preview"] you can use

    • '' or 'img[class^=mm-img]' selectors (note : ^ means begins with)
    • and you need to replace el.src with el.getAttribute('src')

    so change

    const imageurl = await page.$eval('img[alt="Imgflip Logo"]', el => el.src);


     const imageurl = await page2.$eval('img[class^=mm-img]', el => el.getAttribute('src'));

    in your code.

    you can also re-write some of the other parts like below, even though they are not necessary for what you want.

    const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
        const browser = await puppeteer.launch({
        const page = await browser.newPage();    
        await page.goto('', {waitUntil: "load", timeout: 15000 });
        await page.waitForSelector('#page');
        const boxes = await page.$$('.mt-box');
        let allMemes = [];
        for(let box of boxes){
            try {
                let title = await box.$eval('h3 > a', el => el.textContent);
                let link = await box.$eval('', el => el.getAttribute('href'));
                const page2 = await browser.newPage();      
                await page2.goto(`${link}`, {waitUntil: "load", timeout: 15000 });
                await page2.waitForSelector('body');
                const imageurl = await page2.$eval('img[class^=mm-img]', el => el.getAttribute('src'));
                console.log("The source of", title, "is");
                await page2.close();
            } catch(error){
        await browser.close();

    If you need to get the already existing memes then you can do it this way..

    Code :

    const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
        const browser = await puppeteer.launch({
        const page = await browser.newPage();    
        await page.goto('', {waitUntil: "load", timeout: 15000 });
        await page.waitForSelector('#page');
        const boxes = await page.$$('.mt-box');
        let allMemes = [];
        for(let box of boxes){
            try {
                let data = await box.$eval('.mt-title > a', el => {return { link : el.getAttribute('href'), text : el.textContent}});
                const page2 = await browser.newPage();      
                await page2.goto(`${}`, {waitUntil: "load", timeout: 15000 });
                await page2.waitForSelector('body');
                // some pages have empty or ads in .base-unit without any h2, so the :has(h2) selector checks if the div has a h2 or not.
                let memes = await page2.$$(".base-unit:has(h2)");
                let relative = [];
                for (let m of memes) { // get all relative memes on the page
                    let title = await m.$eval('h2 > a', el => {return { link: el.getAttribute("href"), text: el.textContent };});
                    // some pages have the image in an a tag, others have it in a div tag, so if div get data-src if a tag get src.
                    let image = (!! await m.$('div.base-img')) ? await m.$eval('.base-img', el => el.getAttribute("data-src")) : await m.$eval('.base-img', el => el.getAttribute("src"));                
                    relative.push({ link:, text : title.text, image: image});
                await page2.close();
                    link :,
                    text : data.text,
                    relative : relative
            } catch(error){
        await browser.close();
        console.dir(allMemes, { depth: null }); // same as log, but show all objects