When deploying flutter to firebase from local machine I do following and it works:
flutter build web
firebase deploy
When trying to deploy from GHA , my yaml file looks like this
name: deploy
- label_check
contents: read
id-token: write
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- id: auth
name: 'Authenticate to Google Cloud'
uses: 'google-github-actions/auth@v1'
workload_identity_provider: 'projects/1111111/locations/global/workloadIdentityPools/abc/providers/xyz'
service_account: 'firebase-deploy-flutter@project123.iam.gserviceaccount.com'
- uses: subosito/flutter-action@v2
channel: 'stable'
cache: true
- name: Run flutter pub get
run: flutter pub get
- name: Enable flutter web
run: flutter config --enable-web
- name: Build Web App
run: flutter build web
- name: deploy flutter to firestore
run: |
npm install -g firebase-tools
firebase init
firebase deploy
Google auth part works.
In GHA, I get error - Failed to authenticate, have you run firebase login?
Error Failed to authenticate, have you run firebase login?
happens because workload identity is not setup correctly.
Dont follow Official doc. It has a small error.
Instead follow Github doc. It shows how to create WIF through CLI and provides a working template to authorize GHA through WIF.
workload_identity_provider: 'projects/<gcp-project-id>/locations/global/workloadIdentityPools/<my-pool-id>/providers/<provider-id>'