I'm using Power BI Pro in Azure to create reports (bar charts) for Application Insights metrics. I embed the reports in my ASP.NET Core (Razor) web pages. In Azure Portal \ Application Insights \ Logs then I create a query and then select Export | Power BI (New dataset) which opens Power BI Pro in another tab and I can create reports.
Sometimes I need to edit the query slightly but I can't see it in Azure anywhere. I have to create a new dataset and create all of the reports again. Also we have multiple environments within our Azure tenant (Development, QAT, UAT) and I need to be able to copy each report to the other environments and just change the dataset location to use the App Insights instance for that environment.
My questions:
Make the AppInsights environment a Power Query Parameter and you can set it on the Dataset in the portal.
Or use Deployment Pipelines.