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TextField swiftUI accepting only time

I can't find too many examples of the following issue so here I'm again asking for your help, on my app, I want my user be able to input on the textfield only time for example 22:30, the textfield have to accept only time not any kind of letter or other and moreover i need to make sure the user don't insert more than 4 digits is there any possible solution and how can I do that?

TextField("Test2", text: $test)

i have no idea what to look to solve this issue, some sort of formatter but i can only find the number formatter, noting related to time



  • struct TimeTextField: View {
        @Binding var time: String
        var body: some View {
            TextField("Time", text: $time)
                .onChange(of: time) { oldValue,newValue in
                    time = formatTimeInput(newValue)
        private func formatTimeInput(_ input: String) -> String {
            let allowedCharacterSet = CharacterSet(charactersIn: "0123456789")
            // Remove non-numeric characters
            let numericString = input.components(separatedBy: allowedCharacterSet.inverted).joined()
            // Limit the input to 4 digits
            let limitedString = String(numericString.prefix(4))
            // Insert colons at appropriate positions (e.g., 2230 -> 22:30)
            let formattedString: String
            if limitedString.count > 2 {
                let index = limitedString.index(limitedString.startIndex, offsetBy: 2)
                let hour = limitedString[..<index]
                let minute = limitedString[index...]
                formattedString = "\(hour):\(minute)"
            } else {
                formattedString = limitedString
            return formattedString

    To restrict user input in a TextField to a specific format, such as allowing only time input with a maximum of 4 digits, you can utilize the TextField's textContentType property and validate the input using a custom formatter.

    Handle with onReceive rather than on change*

    .onReceive(NotificationCenter.default.publisher(for: UITextField.textDidChangeNotification)) { _ in
          time = formatTimeInput(time)