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How does Shopware handle the cookie path configuration for stores in different subdirectories?

We have two different saleschannels/shops running on the same domain in different subdirectories. Let's say the domain is, then one shop in one saleschannel is accessible with, the other one with
We need two different saleschannels, because the catalog and category-tree differs for those two just to name one reason.

I inspected the cookies set from shopware/symfony and observed that on both shops the cookie-path is set to "/". This leads to one not being able to have a valid sessions in both shops simultanously.

Is there a configuration that we are missing? It seems to me that Shopware should set the cookie path by taking the current saleschannel-domain into consideration?


  • Setting up sales channels in virtual sub-directories is not preferable and prone to issues like that. If you can, you should save yourself the troubles and consider to set up sub-domains for the other sales channels. All you would have to do is point the sub-domains to the same public directory.

    If you absolutely must stick with the path approach, you will have to do some adjustments. You could in theory have a subscriber that changes the session.cookie_path setting on the fly, based on the current base path. (source) I haven't tested it though and even if it works, I personally would still advice against doing it.

    class SetSessionPathSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface
         * @var SessionStorageInterface 
        private $storage;
        public function __construct(SessionStorageInterface $storage)
            $this->storage = $storage;
        public static function getSubscribedEvents(): array
            return [KernelEvents::REQUEST => ['onKernelRequest', 130]];
        public function onKernelRequest(RequestEvent $event): void
            if (!$event->isMasterRequest()) {
            if (!$this->storage instanceof NativeSessionStorage) {
            $options = ['cookie_path' => $event->getRequest()->getBasePath() ?: '/'];