I started using neovim recently and for a learning Example i tried to create a basic plugin to update packages for node modules inside the package.json
The idea is when the text changes
or when trying to undo
i clear the buffer.
Calling this function : lua Clear_highlights()
do the job but it's seems when the text changes
or undo
seems not triggering the function Clear_highlights()
am for sure missing something if someone can help me catch this will be awesome.
Thank you.
line 20 : Github repo
-- Clear buffer
Clear_highlights = function()
vim.api.nvim_buf_clear_namespace(0, require("nodePackageCheck").Config.get_namespace_id(), 0, -1)
vim.cmd([[autocmd! TextChanged,TextChangedI, BufWritePost * lua Clear_highlights()]])
vim.cmd([[autocmd! TextChanged,TextChangedI, BufWritePost * lua Clear_highlights()]])
is for deleting handlers/groups, not defining them. Remove the bang (!
as the "pattern", and *
as the start of the handler (command).Try this instead:
vim.cmd([[autocmd TextChanged,TextChangedI,BufWritePost * lua Clear_highlights()]])