I have the following files and directories in my container.
I need to delete all files and directories except the mf folder and its content. I use this command:
az storage blob delete-batch --source 'CONTAINER' --account-name STORAGE_ACCOUNT --pattern '[!mf]*'
The problem that this command not only avoids deleting the mf directory but also the files that start with the letter m and f
Is there a way to modify the pattern to include files starting with m and f?
To continue using az cli commands, I used the following command
blob=$(az storage blob list -c '$web' --account-name "$SA_NAME" --query "[].{name:name}" --output tsv)
for b in $blob
if [[ "$b" != "$prefix"* ]];
az storage blob delete -c '$web' --account-name "$SA_NAME" -n "$b"