i'm trying to make a telegram bot (telebot) i am having a problem with my code
def testes(send_photo,message):
qr75 = open('qr75.jpg', 'rb')
bot.send_photo(send_photo.chat.id, qr75)
and i got this error
TypeError: testes() missing 1 required positional argument: 'message'
what should I fix? sorry I'm a beginner
I think there's a little mix up in the function arguments going on.
Here's the documentation on @bot.message_handler
As a parameter to the decorator function, it passes telebot.types.Message object.
Therefore, your function testes
should expect only one argument - message
I changed your code a bit, now it should work:
def testes(message):
qr75 = open('qr75.jpg', 'rb')
bot.send_photo(message.chat.id, qr75)
bot.send_message(message.chat.id, 'Hallo')
(also added a comma on the last row)
Hope that helps!