in a piece of code i need to replace the environment - example :
txt = "defaultValue": "dev"
Now i want to replace the value "dev" with "uat"
it is working fine until new line is introduced. so
is not working. what will be the solution?
If the problem is only the '\n' in the uat means we can remove it using this code.
txt = {"defaultValue": "dev"}
print("Initial: ", txt)
new_val = "\nuat\n"
txt['defaultValue'] = new_val
print("after update:",txt)
txt["defaultValue"] = new_val.replace("\n", "")
print("Final: ", txt)
# Output:
# Initial: {'defaultValue': 'dev'}
# after update: {'defaultValue': '\nuat\n'}
# Final: {'defaultValue': 'uat'}