I am using livekit to implement audio/video in a flutter app, but on ios on safari and chrome there is no sound until a user interaction(with the DOM) is detected like granting microphone permission. Does someone know a way to detect user interaction without asking for permission or using the dart:html package?
The livekit team added new functionality after i opened an issue
the workaround is this:
EventsListener<RoomEvent> _listener
Room room
Future<bool?> showConfirmDialog() async{
//here we show an alert dialog requesting permission
void _setUpListeners() => _listener
..on<AudioPlaybackStatusChanged>((event) async {
if (!room.canPlaybackAudio) {
print('Audio playback failed ..........');
bool? yesno = await showConfirmDialog();
if (yesno == true) {
await room.startAudio();