I have a table of ingredients and a self-referencing association table that links ingredients to each other.
I want to add a constraint that ensures each association between 2 ingredients can only exist once. If "salt" has been associated with "pepper" I want to prevent another row in the association table associating "pepper" to "salt".
I know I can use a trigger but because that's more complex I'd prefer to use a CONSTRAINT.
(Using PostgreSQL 14+)
One option uses a unique index on the greatest/least values of the tuple of columns:
create unique index ingredient_to_ingredient_idx
on ingredient_to_ingredient(
greatest(ingredient_a_id, ingredient_b_id),
least(ingredient_a_id, ingredient_b_id)
-- I want this to produce a constraint error
insert into ingredient_to_ingredient (ingredient_a_id, ingredient_b_id) values (2, 1);
-- ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "ingredient_to_ingredient_idx"
-- DETAIL: Key (GREATEST(ingredient_a_id, ingredient_b_id), LEAST(ingredient_a_id, ingredient_b_id))=(2, 1) already exists.
An alternative is an exclusion constraint:
alter table ingredient_to_ingredient
add constraint ingredient_to_ingredient_excl exclude using gist(
least(ingredient_a_id, ingredient_b_id) with =,
greatest(ingredient_a_id, ingredient_b_id) with =
Which would yield the following error for the faulty insert statement:
-- ERROR: conflicting key value violates exclusion constraint "ingredient_to_ingredient_excl"
-- DETAIL: Key (LEAST(ingredient_a_id, ingredient_b_id), GREATEST(ingredient_a_id, ingredient_b_id))=(1, 2) conflicts with existing key (LEAST(ingredient_a_id, ingredient_b_id), GREATEST(ingredient_a_id, ingredient_b_id))=(1, 2).