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Occassional Hubspot webhook signature mismatch

I have a service which listens to Hubspot webhook requests (POSTs), and authenticates each request using Hubspot's v3 signature. The code is this (typescript):

const requestSignature = params?.headers?.['x-hubspot-signature-v3']
const requestTimestamp = params?.headers?.['x-hubspot-request-timestamp']

// Validate timestamp
const MAX_ALLOWED_TIMESTAMP = 300000 // 5 minutes in milliseconds
const currentTime =
if (currentTime - requestTimestamp > MAX_ALLOWED_TIMESTAMP) {
  throw new GeneralError('Hubspot signature v3 timestamp is invalid')

// Calculate signature
const clientSecret = <...snip: get secret from secrets store...>
const body = JSON.stringify(params.body)
const source = params.method + params.uri + body + requestTimestamp
const signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', clientSecret).update(source).digest('base64')

// Validate signature
if (!crypto.timingSafeEqual(Buffer.from(signature), Buffer.from(requestSignature))) {
  throw new NotAuthenticated('Hubspot signature v3 mismatch')

This works most of the time, but occasionally the signatures don't match. It's not because of any missing data, or incorrect data on our side -- I have verified that the correct headers exist, etc. And it's not the call to crypto.timingSafeEqual -- I have verified that the two signatures do not match.

Has anyone else experienced this before? What could cause just some of the requests from Hubspot to fail signature validation?


  • @CBroe, in his comment above, provided a hint to the answer, but the problem actually came before JSON.stringify(): Our app uses global hooks which transforms the request payload in some cases. In this case, one of the string values in the payload JSON had a trailing space, and one of our hooks trims all input data. Executing the above signature validator with the original un-processed request payload solved the problem.