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Divide by Zero Encountered with PARTITION BY

I have multiple subqueries for groups of students (a,b,c) and I want to display the results by subject. Some groups may not be in certain subjects.

I'm receiving a 'divide by zero' error when performing a calculation. How can I modify the code below to display 'null' when the result is n/a?

STR(((100.0*COUNT(a.STC_grade))/SUM(COUNT(a.STC_grade))OVER(partition by dbo.S85_STUDENT_ACAD_CRED.stc_subject)), 5,0)  +'%' AS 'PERCENT'

Any assistance would be appreciated.


  • If you added input data, your query and what your expectation were, it would be easies to recreate your situation. Not sure that my example fully covers your input data but I could get your error and fix it by adding isnull in SUM(COUNT(isnull(sg.STC_grade,0)))

    create table Subjects (Sbj_Id int)
    create table Groups (Grp_Id int)
    create table Sub_Grp (Grp_id int, Sbj_Id int, STC int, STC_grade int)
    insert into Subjects
    insert into Groups
    insert into Sub_Grp
    select g.Grp_Id as [Group], s.Sbj_Id as [Subject], sg.STC as [Student], sg.STC_grade
    from Groups g
    cross apply Subjects s
    left join Sub_Grp sg on sg.Grp_Id = g.Grp_id and sg.Sbj_Id = s.Sbj_Id

    enter image description here

    Highlighted rows from the screen above will ruin the query below without isnull.

    select g.Grp_Id as [Group], s.Sbj_Id as [Subject],
    STR(((100.0*COUNT(sg.STC_grade))/SUM(COUNT(isnull(sg.STC_grade,0)))OVER(partition by sg.Sbj_Id)), 5,0)  +'%' AS 'PERCENT'
    from Groups g
    cross apply Subjects s
    left join Sub_Grp sg on sg.Grp_Id = g.Grp_id and sg.Sbj_Id = s.Sbj_Id
    group by g.Grp_Id,s.Sbj_Id,sg.Sbj_Id
    order by s.Sbj_Id, g.Grp_Id

    enter image description here