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Spectral data smoothing using SNV and MSC

I am trying to filter the hyperspectral data. I have 204 spectral bands. I tried R for the standard normal variate (SNV) and multiple scattering correction (MSC) using the following codes. For SNV:

spectra <- data[, 1:204]
means <- apply(spectra, 2, mean)
sds <- apply(spectra, 2, sd)
data_snv <- scale(spectra, center = means, scale = sds)

For MSC:

average_spectrum <- apply(spectra, 2, mean)
corrected_spectra <- sweep(spectra, 2, average_spectrum, FUN = "-")

Want to confirm whether these are correct or not?

Tried using these codes but not sure.


  • You can use prospectr package to do all these like

    snv_spc <- standardNormalVariate(X = spectra)
    msc_spc <- msc(X = spectra)