I am running Nifi (A GUI based application) inside Docker container. it was deployed using docker compose
hostname: DWH_Nifi_prod
container_name: nifi_container_persistent
image: 'apache/nifi:1.19.0' # latest image as of 2023-June.
restart: on-failure
user: root
- '8091:8080'
It is up and running.
Now as i want to open the UI, i need to open a ssh tunnel to it.
Earlier when i ran the application on the remote host (not on docker) I could easily establish the Tunnel using
ssh -L 8091: root@remote_host.prod
Now i tried something similar
ssh -L 8080: root@remote_host.prod
but could not succeed (error when opening UI : localhost sent an invalid response.)
Can someone please help me if there is anything extra to be taken care to establish a ssh tunnel for Remote hosts docker container ?
As I observed there is no difference in establishing ssh tunnel to container. its same as establishing to host machine.
ssh -L 8091: root@remote_host.prod
Earlier I could not access the page as my url is using https://, but i should use http:// only.