I am trying to use ORY Login in my android/ios
app. Did not find any example on the web, started from the web
one, but does not work. This is what I tried:
import 'dart:developer';
import 'package:dio/dio.dart';
import 'package:dio/native_imp.dart';
import 'package:ory_client/ory_client.dart';
class AuthService {
final FrontendApi _ory;
Session? _identity;
AuthService(Dio dio) : _ory = OryClient(dio: dio).getFrontendApi();
static AuthService init() {
const baseUrl = "https://{my.slug}.projects.oryapis.com";
// create the dio client for http requests
final options = BaseOptions(
baseUrl: baseUrl,
connectTimeout: 10000,
receiveTimeout: 5000,
headers: {
"Accept": "application/json",
validateStatus: (status) {
// here we prevent the request from throwing an error when the status code is less than 500 (internal server error)
return status! < 500;
final dio = DioForNative(options);
// final adapter = BrowserHttpClientAdapter();
// enable cookies support
// we need this so we can send HTTP requests to the server with the cookies stored in the browser
// adapter.withCredentials = true;
// dio.httpClientAdapter = adapter;
return AuthService(dio);
Future<bool> isAuthenticated() async {
try {
final resp = await _ory.toSession();
if (resp.statusCode == 200) {
_identity = resp.data;
return true;
return false;
} catch (error) {
return false;
Future login() async {
try {
final resp = await _ory.createNativeLoginFlow();
final sdf = await _ory.updateLoginFlow(
flow: "login", updateLoginFlowBody: UpdateLoginFlowBody());
} catch (error) {
Future logout() async {
try {
final resp = await _ory.performNativeLogout(
performNativeLogoutBody: PerformNativeLogoutBody());
final sdf = await _ory.updateLogoutFlow(token: "resp.data!.logoutToken TODO");
} catch (error) {
Session? get identity => _identity;
I get a DeseralizationError on await _ory.createNativeLoginFlow()
. Does somebody have a working example?
I figured out that replacing final dio = DioForNative(options)
with final dio = Dio(options)
does not throw that error.