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a library db , the goal is to prevent more than one user trying to check out the same book at the same time Mysql workbench 8.0

im a beginner and using mysql workbench8.0 ,and it seems like i cant get this to work. ive got three tables.

these are my tables:


id title author
1 my first book sara
2 my second book maman
3 my third book baba

2.users (id=pk)

id full_name last_login
1 ala 1973-07-03
2 badi 1972-07-03
3 saly 2015-10-18

3.checkouts (id=pk, user_id=fk , book_id=fk)

id user_id book_id checkout_date return_date
1 1 1 2000-10-18 2017-10-18
2 1 2 2015-11-18 null
3 2 3 2015-10-28 2025-10-18
4 3 2 2016-10-18 it should give me an error
  • user_id=fk is the child table of userstable.

  • book_id=fk is the child table of the books table.

My solution is : when there is a duplicate for the book_id column, there cant be duplicates for the return_date column.

so when inserting row number 4, its not supposed to let me ; because user (3) cant checkout sth that doesnt have a return_date.

ive tried unique index for those two columns(book_id,return_date ) so that i can have unique combos , but since MySQL allows duplicates for NULL values, i didnt get anywhere with that.

and i also still dont know php or python.

what are the other solutions that ill be able to try?

Your help would mean a lot

and sorry for my english


  • you can use a trigger to prevent that

    for the trigger you need eventually to add DELIMITER, depend on gui and method

    In bulk insert will 1 error prevent the insertion of all rows ind that session

    CREATE TABLE books
        (`id` int, `title` varchar(14), `author` varchar(5))
    INSERT INTO books
        (`id`, `title`, `author`)
        (1, 'my first book', 'sara'),
        (2, 'my second book', 'maman'),
        (3, 'my third book', 'baba')
    CREATE TABLE users
        (`id` int, `full_name` varchar(4), `last_login` varchar(10))
    INSERT INTO users
        (`id`, `full_name`, `last_login`)
        (1, 'ala', '1973-07-03'),
        (2, 'badi', '1972-07-03'),
        (3, 'saly', '2015-10-18')
    CREATE TABLE checkouts
        (`id` int, `user_id` int, `book_id` int, `checkout_date` Date, `return_date` date
    CREATE TRIGGER before_wcheckouts_insert
    ON checkouts FOR EACH ROW
     DECLARE msg VARCHAR(100);
        IF EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM checkouts 
      WHERE  `book_id` = NEW.`book_id` AND (`return_date` > NEW.`checkout_date` OR `return_date` IS NULL))   THEN
            set msg = "INSERTTriggerError: Trying to checkout book, that isn't returned.";
            signal sqlstate '45000' set message_text = msg;
        END IF; 
    INSERT INTO checkouts
        (`id`, `user_id`, `book_id`, `checkout_date`, `return_date`)
        (1, 1, 1, '2000-10-18', '2017-10-18'),
        (2, 1, 2, '2015-11-18', NULL),
        (3, 2, 3, '2015-10-28', '2025-10-18')
    INSERT INTO checkouts
        (`id`, `user_id`, `book_id`, `checkout_date`, `return_date`)
      (4,   3 , 2   , '2016-10-18', NULL)
    INSERTTriggerError: Trying to checkout book, that isn't returned.
    SELECT * FROM checkouts
    id user_id book_id checkout_date return_date
    1 1 1 2000-10-18 2017-10-18
    2 1 2 2015-11-18 null
    3 2 3 2015-10-28 2025-10-18
