Search code examples

A combobox extracts a code from it shouldn't, a code isn't replaced by a label when expected. I'm not doing things the proper way

I have an application that works but shouldn't. And I would like starting correcting it.
I believe I have done things that clashes one against another, because my knowledge of Angular is low.

  1. By a REST service, Angular receives Commune (City) objects, with their name, population, city code, etc.
/** Une commune du Code Officiel Géographique */
export interface Commune { 
    /** Code de la commune */
    codeCommune: string;

    /** Nom de la commune */
    nomCommune: string;

    /** Population totale de la commune. */
    population: number;

    /** Surface de la commune, en hectares. N\'est pas alimenté pour les arrondissements. */
    surface?: number | null;

enter image description here

I'm displaying and offer to select a value by this combo-box:

<input type="text" list="communesCOG" [(ngModel)]="libelleCommuneSelectionnee" (change)="selectCommune($" placeholder="Tapez le nom de la commune">
<datalist id="communesCOG" >
    <option *ngFor="let commune of communes" [value]="commune.codeCommune">{{commune.nomCommune}} ({{commune.nomDepartement}})</option>

It doesn't stop my application, but my IDE is already complaining about that:

enter image description here

selectCommune($, with value in red, that isn't recognized.

What surprises me, is that it is working: the code 55001 enters my function:
(where communesMap is a communesMap: Map<string, Commune> = new Map<string, Commune>() loaded with all the French cities, and indexed by their city code).

enter image description here

but there's no value property for an What should have done, here?

  1. If I select a value in that list, I'm expecting a formatted result shown in that combobox, as I do not wish the user to see the city code that won't mind anything to him.

But at the time I'm doing the selection, and until I leave the field, it only displays the city code:

enter image description here

  1. And then, the focus left, displays the wished description:
    Abainville (Meuse) 300 hab.

enter image description here


  • There is an [(ngModel)] on your input. Do not subscribe to (change) event, but to (ngModelChange) instead, where $event is the new value:

    <input type="text" list="communesCOG" [(ngModel)]="libelleCommuneSelectionnee" (ngModelChange)="selectCommune($event)" placeholder="Tapez le nom de la commune">