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SFML RenderWindow pops up late if i ask for user input

So i am trying to make a sorting algorithms visualizer with SFML. It is all good until i ask user input for the size of the array and which algorithm user wants to see it visualized. When i ask for user input, program executes in the background for a bit, sorting starts but i cant display it for couple of seconds.

int main(){

    int Size = takeSize();
    int choice = takeAlgorithm();


        Event event;

        while (window.pollEvent(event))
            if(event.type == Event::Closed) window.close();    


    return 0;

Here is my main program. Everything works perfectly if i set the size of the array and which sorting algorithm will run before, but if i take input from user with takeSize() and takeAlgorithm() functions:

int takeSize(){

    cout << "Please enter a number between 10 and 150 for the number of elements in the array: \n";
    int vectorSize;
        cin >> vectorSize;
        if(vectorSize >=10 && vectorSize <=199)
            return vectorSize;
            cout << "Please enter a valid number between the given ranges!\n";

int takeAlgorithm(){

    cout << "Please enter the corresponding number to select the sorting algorithm you want to see visualized: \n";
    cout << "1-) Bubble Sort\n";
    cout << "2-) Merge Sort\n";
    cout << "3-) Insertion Sort\n";
    cout << "4-) Selection Sort\n";
    cout << "5-) Gnome Sort\n";

    int number;
    cin >> number;
    return number;


Window displays late while sorting starts in the background. Note: i use this in global scope -> RenderWindow window(VideoMode(601, 600), "Sorting Algorithm Visualizer!"); So an empty window shows up, then i enter the inputs after that window goes to the background.


  • The problem is that an SFML window doesn't display unless you poll for events so it won't show just because you constructed sf::RenderWindow. Your code takes a while to reach the point when you poll for events because std::cin blocks SFML.

    Your options are to not use std::cin and instead get keyboard input using SFML in a GUI or you can accept that the window won't open before an array size is entered. I think the latter actually makes more sense because it's not clear what your window would display if there isn't an array of elements to sort.